sexual assualt post exposure prophylaxis

In addition, this patient does not require metronidazole due to a microscopic examination without evidence of trichomoniasis (eg, flagellated, motile organisms).

HIV post-exposure prophylaxis should be offered to sexual assault victims within 72 hours of the assault, particularly if there is evidence of genital trauma, anal intercourse, or multiple assailants due to increased risk of acquisition of HIV.

Hepatitis B immune globulin is not indicated for patients who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. In nonimmune patients, hepatitis B vaccination is administered after exposure; hepatitis B immunoglobulin is added if the assailant is hepatitis B positive.

Penicillin is used to treat syphilis. Currently, syphilis post-assault prophylaxis is not recommended. Management is with serologic testing at initial evaluation and repeat serologies at 6 weeks and 3 months.
