parathyroid disease

Indications for parathyroidectomy in tertiary hyperparathyroidism include:

Bisphosphonates are generally not recommended in end-stage renal disease as they reduce bone turnover, leading to osteomalacia, mixed uremic osteodystrophy, and adynamic bone disease. They can also cause a worsening of hyperparathyroidism.

Indications for primary hyperparathyroidism

The evaluation of hypercalcemia depends on parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels.  Hypercalcemia with an elevated or inappropriately normal PTH (PTH-dependent) is caused by very few disorders, mainly primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT).  Parathyroid adenoma causes nearly 90% of PHPT.  Other etiologies include parathyroid hyperplasia and carcinoma.  Parathyroidectomy is indicated for patients with PHPT who have:

Less common causes of PTH-dependent hypercalcemia include familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH), lithium-induced hypercalcemia, tertiary hyperparathyroidism (in renal failure patients), and ectopic PTH production by malignant tumors (rare).  FHH is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by an abnormal calcium-sensing receptor on the parathyroid cells.  FHH can be differentiated from PHPT by measuring urinary calcium excretion, which is markedly low in FHH but normal to high in PHPT.
