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goals of care.pptx




•A Better Approach: What is your understanding of the outcomes of CPR?... Is it ok if I go over them with you?

•“We get a pulse back about 50% of the time, but we are bad at getting people back to who they were before CPR.” For every person who gets CPR in the hospital, at best only 17 out of 100 leave alive. Results in long hospital stays, often being considerably sicker, might lead to brain damage, Those who survive often need to go to the nursing home for more help”

If I had 100 people like you, however,

Instead of simply asking if someone wants CPR, a better approach is asking what is their understanding of CPR, particularly their understanding of the outcomes. Many know it means pumping on someone’s chest when they are unresponsive, but few know the statistics. These statistics have barely changed in the past 20 years.

•Debilitated patients: 10% •Stage IV Cancer patients survival 6 to 7% •Nursing home patients 5% •Dialysis: 5% •Medical ICU patients 2.2% •And again, those who survive are going to be sicker and spend much more time in the hospital and nursing home

Here are some more statistics to try to tailor a discussion for specific situations. Of course we do not know if someone will go into V-tach or asystole, but there is a striking difference in outcomes. Patients with cancer, patients in nursing homes and patients in the ICU have much worse outcomes.
