24 Diuretics
- body maintain 140 meq concentration via water retention/excretion
CA Inhibitors
- almost never used as diuretics because effect so weak
- paresthesia common in a number of acid-base disorders (acid-base disruption on nerves)
- calcium stones from acidemia that prevents citrate excretion
Osmotic Diuretics
- can't excrete mannnitol, circulate in plasma for long time
- also cause anuric renal failure (no urine)
- really strong, use in edematous state to remove volume
- decrease gradient of interstitium in inner medulla
- inhibit NaCl pump, Na/K pump still active, low intracellular Na
- NaCa exchanger active, lower intracellular Ca
- Ca pulled from lumen
- don't produce vigorous output, not good for edematous state
K sparing