09 Gm indeterminate
- Originally rickettsia species, now its own
- red barn: Gram negative
- Ram inside barn with lock: Obligate intracellular organism
- Walnuts with poop: Contained in spore like structures in animal feces
- Walnuts with poop: Contained in spore like structures in animal feces
- Dust cloud: Transmitted to humans via aerosol transmission, farm animals are major reservoir
- White, clean sheep: No rash caused
- Q horn; Q-fever
- coughing farmer: Pneumonia
- hitting head: Headache
- sweating/red face: Fever
- Liver spot: May cause hepatitis
- Self limiting
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
- Outside, no walls: "No cell wall, can't appear on gram stain"
- cholesterol rings on goal net: Cell membrane contains cholesterol, stabilize membrane and more flexible
- military uniform: Common in military recruits living in close quarters
- <30: Commonly occurs in young adults
- RBC on ground bound by IgM snow flakes: IgM cold agglutinins cause agglutination/lysis of red blood cells
- Don't eat on ice: "Eaton's agar"
- patchy sky: X-ray shows reticulonodular or "patchy" infiltrate, appears much worse than patients seem clinically
- referee walking: Walking pneumonia, pt not as sick as X ray shows
- target: Erythema multiforme. Target lesions
- Crows: Macrolide for treatment because no cell wall
Rickettsia species
- Inside stadium: Obligate intracellular organism
- All white ppl: Poor gram staining. Giemsa stain for visualization
- pink tennis balls: Weakly gram negative
- deflated tennis balls: Coccobacillary shape
- Coach shirt: Unable to produce CoA, gets it from eukaryotic cells
- NAD+ bottle: Unable to produce NAD+, important for bacterial growth and reproduction, steal from eukaryotic
- Will and Felix: Weil-Felix agglutination test for Rickettsial infections, cross reaction between rickettsia and proteus vulgaris
- Felix sweating/touching head: Headache and fever in early Rickettsial infection
- Rash may be associated with vasculitis
- broken, bright red net and rackets: Vasculitis and inflammation/destruction
- Tires: Doxycycline for treatment
- Coach with military hat: Affects military camp recruits and prisoners of war (close contact with poor hygiene
- football shaped like louse: Spread by louse, defecates near bite spread to blood by scratching.
- The outbreak board: Illness is called epidemic typhus (more widespread than endemic)
- football formation: Rash starts at trunk, and spreads outward towards extremities
- players red except helmet, hands, feet: Rash spares hands, head, and feet
- Tackled player: Causes myalgia and arthalgia
- coughing from dirt: Causes pneumonia
- confused guy: Encephalitis, with and confusion. can cause coma if very serious
- Rock with legs, derma center arena: Transmitted by direct bite of Dermacentor ticks (sport center)
- Transmitted by direct bite of Dermacentor ticks
- climber at bottom with no rash: Rash not immediate, incubation period between 2-14 days
- 1st climber: Rash begins at extremities. Wall = source of rash
- Rash spreads centrally from extremities
- Climber on top grabbing head, sweating, sore from climb: Symptoms include headache, fever, myalgias