08 Pituitary pathology

Pituitary Adenoma




Bitemporal hemianopsia






Dopamine antagonists such as the antipsychotic risperidone and haloperidol. Antiemetics, metoclopramide. All of these block D2 receptors..


Dopamine agonists drugs.

GH Excess

Causes are usually due to tumor. Presentation can be different depending on where the tumor is. If the tumor secretes GHRH and is in the hypothalamus or the sytem, there would be a high GHRH level. If the tumor is in the anterior pituitary, there would be a low GHRH and high somatostatin level.











Describes the insufficient secretion of pituitary hormones resulting from diseases of the hypothalamus or the pituitary. .

The majority of cases are secondary to destructive processes directly involving the anterior pituitary.  This includes:

The clinical manifestation of hypopituitarism depends on the specific hormone(s) that are lacking.  For example, a deficiency of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) may manifest as hypopigmentation, due to MSH's stimulatory effects on melanocytes.

Aldosterone part of RAAS system, not adrenal system...

The treatment for hypopituitarism includes hormone replacement therapy, including:

Empty Sella Syndrome


Pituitary Apoplexy


Sheehan's Syndrome

Pituitary gland enlarged in preglancy as result of increased prolactin. However, the blood supply is not increased. In postpartum hemorrhage, pituitary is at risk of infarct from hypotension. ..

Can present as shock after delivery from low cortisol levels if severe. If not severe, present as failure to lactate from loss of prolactin

Other symptoms:


Posterior Pituitary Pathology


Is due to:

Is characterized by:


A water restriction test is used to diagnose central and nephrogenc DI:

  1. Water intake is restricted for 2-3 hours, and urine volume, urine osmolality, plasma Na+ concentration, and plasma osmolality are measured hourly.
  2. In healthy individuals, water deprivation leads to a urine osmolality 2-4 times greater than plasma osmolality.
  3. In patients with central or nephrogenic DI, urine osmolality will be less than 300 mOsm/kg after water deprivation..

DDAVP (desmopressin, an ADH analog) is administered to differentiate between central and nephrogenic DI:

Central Diabetes Insipidus


Treatment: Desmopressin.

Nephrogenic Diabetes

Is due to the inability of the kidney to respond to ADH.  This may be due to an inherited mutation in the V2 receptor or secondary to:

Treatment involves:

Why treat a water-wasting disease with a thiazide diuretic? Thiazides increase renal Na+ excretion, which leads to extracellular fluid volume contraction.  This decreased volume will decrease GFR, and increase proximal tubular reabsorption of water and Na+.  Therefore, ultimately less water and Na+ are lost as urine.


Occurs when too much ADH is secreted by the posterior pituitary. Common CNS causes of SIADH include:

Non-CNS causes of SIADH include:

Patients will generally present with euvolemic hyponatremia. Total body water is increased, but near-normal blood volume is maintained due to the body's compensatory response (decreased thirst, suppressed aldosterone release). Peripheral edema does not develop.

If asymptomatic, the treatment of SIADH is free water restriction.

Treatment of SIADH includes:

It is important that hyponatremia be corrected slowly. A rapid correction of hyponatremia can lead to central pontine myelinolysis (aka osmotic demyelination syndrome)..

Damage to the myelin sheath of the pons leads to the patient becoming "locked in", with intact cognitive function but total muscle paralysis, with the exception of eye blinking..

In SIADH, urine osmolarity is greater than serum osmolarity..
