03 Adrenal Gland

Adrenal gland blood supply


Outer capsule, cortex, and medulla..

Germ Cell Layers:..

Chromaffin Cells

Neuroendocrine cells found mostly in the medulla of the adrenal glands that secretes E and NE.

Neural crest derived..


Adrenal Gland Hormones

Zona Glomerulosa

Makes mineralcorticoids.


Stimulated by ACTH to make cortisol.

Aldosterone Synthase

Stimulated by Ang II to make aldosterone.

Zona Fasciculata

Makes glucocorticoids.

Zona Reticularis

Makes androgens.

17, 30 lyase double bonds at 17 position:


Mineral: minerals like Na/K. Corticoids: Made in the cortex

Glucocorticoids aka Cortisol


Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm: Hormone is highest at morning to prepare for stress of the day.

Cortisol Effects

BP Effects

Immune Effects

They exert these effects through several mechanisms:..

Glucose Effects

Also enhances glucagon that offsets glycogen synthase effects.

Fat Effects

Effects on muscles, skin, bones


Purple stretch marks in dermis that can be seen due to thinning of skin. Cortisol decreases fibroblast activity.

Corticosteroid Drugs


More important in females
